Friday 18 June 2010

Secrets of Sucess

After weeks of having little or no inspiration to write, read, draw, photograph or style I finally stumbled across something that sparked an interest;

It was a photo advertising photoshop as the best wrinkle cream there is with a photo of Madonna, half shopped, half not.

It got me to thinking.. What exactly makes success?

Well, I guess this depends on what your trying to sell. In Madonna's case it's sex so the need for her to be eternally youthful and attractive is important. No amount of face cream or surgery can stop that forever. In the case of photoshop it is selling the ability to be beautiful in an image without the dieting and perfect skin.

The way a product is advertised affects its success. This can be as simple as the font of writing or size...... I know this as a local builder advertises his business with the Disney font..... seriously!!! Who could take a business man seriously when he sells a service and promotes it with a children's movie font..... Don't think he'll be doing much work on my house unless it's all in fancy dress in which case I may reconsider for comedy value!

Thursday 15 April 2010

Madonna vs Sunny

We've all heard her songs and watched her videos and like many my opinion is split with the queen of pop... I adore her as an artist and admire her figure at such an age but Madonna has gone one further this time and is joining forces with the designers at D&G on a new sunglasses collection.
The collaboration known as MDG has no official release date, however it wouldn't be ridiculous to presume they will be released before the oncoming summer months. My only wish is that Madonna maintains some dignity and remains covered in the promotions.


Like many students I will be spending my summer sleeping, dancing, shopping and going to festivals. For me it will be my second year at Leeds Fest and I aim to have a complete festival waredrobe by that point... my last minute dash round the shop last year didn't turn out so well.

so when it’s finally time to lie my weary head down I will be warm and dry. With this thought in mind I went searching.

Many of you may have seen the festival suits last year. You put them on and turned into a morph like image with no face.

I thought these were amazing and maintain this view but being female and not so much of an exhibitionist I wasn’t really comfortable wearing one. The guys we camped next too loved it though... "It’s like not wearing clothes and the girls love it and if you’re ugly it’s not like they can tell...."

So this year it was decided to attempt to find/make something similar for the more conservative girl. After searching "all in ones" and attracting sites for adult baby fetish-wear I thought maybe it was destined not to be... and then I stumbled across the Musuc bag

The Musuc bag is like an all in one sleeping bag. It doesn’t restrict movement like a standard sleeping bag and you’re very unlikely to fall down the stairs while inside it keeping warm. It has ties to keep every part of you warm and comes in a variety of colours my favourite being yellow.

The Musuc bag has been around since 2007 so I may possibly be classed as majorly behind the times however it is my aim to get the whole of Leeds fest in this bag! Just think how many landfills we won't need if we can walk away with our sleeping bags on!

Get Shopping:

Monday 29 March 2010

brum brum

I am currently in the process of car hunting and you'll never guess what...... I Hate it!

I am not a car person. My last car was a beautiful little old man punto called Bert. He was white and had more miles than possible. And where did bert go? ... I killed him. I crashed poor bert through a hedge and down a ditch into a field full of cows while rushing to uni one extreamly wet day in October.

Since that day I've been a bus girl.... As you may guess - not fun! I think I have sat next to THE smelliest people ON THE PLANET. The worst part is being too polite to move away from them or getting squashed in when you do finially find an excuse.

My brother is on some kind of car fixing course at college and he said he'd help me hunt... The first car he found was a ford - it was older than me!! I said no and my brothers response "oh go on, I'll buy it off you when i get enough money." ... Hmm is he looking for my car or one he can have when I can't fix it?!

Sooo, on to mum and her boyf.... they tend to go into too much detail... I gave them a price range and that is all so they have a lot to work with.... however since my only responce is ever "ooh pretty colour" or "i need more doors" I think they've given up hope.

There must be plenty of people out there who know less than I do... How do they survive? I mean I know I sound simple but I've changed the battery and some revercing lights before... I can look after a car when I get one... Its more the getting of one.. 145cc? What is a CC? I did physics Alevel and I have no idea?!

World of cars = mystery!

I just want a little old man car.... full of character.... bit of a vetron so to speak...

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Preston Fashion

Hello lovelys.

So last night I went out in Preston to Method for 'Where's Mavis', a rock and alternative night for all unsure. We got to the club (I say club its more like a house) at 12 and by 1 everyone I was with wanted to leave.

Me and my friend Nicola decided to rebel from our free ride home and stay out with nowhere to stay and no money for a ride home. Clever? You'd think not... I say life should be more like this!

We carried on drinking without a care in the world and had THE best night.

I know your all wondering where the fashion is in this post.... My point is that I had a really good night in Preston and don't think it gets the recognition it deserves as a City full of talented youths. I would go out in Preston over Manchester almost any night of the week. It's small enough that if you loose your friends you'll soon find others. Big enough that if you want to hide from people you can. Cheaper and Safer than Manc.. Clearly Manc is amazing but I don't think I'm the kind of girl that can hack going out to Manc every week.. It always seems the same.

Once again the fashion is missing.

So without any more waffling; PRESTON IS COOL. And it inspires me to do my best and be part of the life here. I see nothing in Manc that Preston could not offer for the world of fashion (although clearly we need more shops... but where doesn't?)..... I now propose the 2nd home of fashion moves... to Preston!

Hmmm, an election winning proposition I think.

Monday 22 March 2010


This most famous of films never fails to bring me to tears and while searching new art and films today I stumbled across some information.
In 2012 titanic is being remade IN 3D!!!
I am wondering what kind of impact this iconic film and piece of history will have on the ever changing and easily influence of the fashion world.

While I'm on the topic of films in 2012, hunky wolf man from twilight Taylor Lautner will be staring in Stretch Armstrong based on the action figure.

Friday 12 March 2010


Ladys and Gents just to fill you in on where my thought process appeared from I will give you a bit of background.

I work in a bridal shop in kendal called MarriMe. I've only worked there since new year and it is fantastic. One day a week I catch a lift with the owner and her daughter and we make our way to the shop. It is full of blushing brides and the husbands to be trying to create the perfect day. I am mainly in charge in menswear.

Today it came to my attention that about 90% of the men have no idea about their chest or neck measurements with most wearing the wrong size and MORE than half can't fasten a tie.

I'm not sure whether this is just a lake district thing or not as I learnt how to do a tie in primary school but noone can do them anymore. Don't even get me started on cravats! You say 'tie it like you would a normal tie'...... do they?.... no! The fact it has two fat ends completely looses most normal males.

I was discussing this on the way home and I have decided that the world is in a sorry state! Ties are worn at most formal events... business functions, weddings, funerals. If noone is learning how to do them properly then I'm afraid this traditional piece of formal wear will soon die out.